
  • For some crazy reason obese people feel they should get special treatment for their excessive eating.
  • Caesar Barber, 56, a maintenance worker wants four famous fast food chains to pay for serving him the finger-licking food that helped make him fat. Barber's lawsuit is the first broad-based action taken against the fast food industry for allegedly contributing to obesity. He claims the fast food restaurants, where Barber says he used to eat four or five times a week even after suffering a heart attack, did not properly disclose the ingredients of their food and the risks of eating too much.
  • McDonalds along with other fastfood resturants offer calorie and fat intake on every rapper and menu.
  • During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. In 2010, no state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. Thirty-six states had a prevalence of 25% or more; 12 of these states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia) had a prevalence of 30% or more.
  • Judge Joao Filho of Brazil has awarded a former McDonalds  franchise manager $17,500 in damages, after the 32 year-old man sued the chain for making him fat.
  • The rising number of Americans who are seriously overweight has triggered intense debate among scientists, advocacy groups, federal agencies, insurance companies and drug makers about whether  should be declared a "disease," a move that could open up insurance coverage to millions who need treatment for weight problems and could speed the approval of new diet drugs.
  • Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term effects on health and well-being.Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
  • Did you ever wonder if your considered slightly obese? Their is an average weight and height chart for men and women that determines if your considered slightly overweaight or morbidly obese.
  • The parents of two children who became seriously ill after eating at local fast-food restaurants have filed suit, claiming they were served burgers that were contaminated with a bacterium that has been linked to thousands of infections and hundreds of deaths nationwide. 
  • Why do children find McDonald's so enticing? It could be the chicken nuggets, French fries or hamburgers, but more often than not, it's the toys. It's really unfortunate that most kids could point out Ronald Mcdonald more than they could pick out a president in a line up. And a new class action lawsuit, filed today in San Francisco, wants to put an end to the targeted marketing.

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